   God particles, without Nobel Prize.  / by  Socratus /
(too old to reply)
2017-08-19 12:47:35 UTC
   God particles, without Nobel Prize.  / by  Socratus /
To discover so-called  God - particle ( Nobel Prize in 2013)
was needed  two conditions : deep vacuum and high energy.
But if the vacuum were deeper and energy were higher then
it would be possible to discover some kind of a new God – particles.
Question: what is the deepest vacuum in the Universe?
My answer:
the deepest  vacuum in the Universe is the cosmic zero vacuum T=0K.
Question: what can be the highest energy?
My answer:
the cosmic  zero vacuum T=0K continuum is  itself  some kind
of  infinite energy continuum.
Using these parameters, I say that the cosmic zero vacuum T=0K
can create  primary God – particles and their names are
"potential molar –masses (k) particles."
Why potential molar – masses (k) particles are primary God particles?
Heat is result of some kind of chaotic movements of particles.
In thermodynamics the heat is explained by the formula: E=kT (logW)
It means that chaotic movements of molar-mass (k) particles create heat.
In 1905 Einstein wrote "quantum of action" as:  h=kb
It means that  molar-mass (k) particles  know some kind of  another
movement which can create  "quantum of action" with  energy E=(kb)*f.
  My conclusion.
Without heat the Universe is an Absolute  Cold  Kingdom.
Without "quantum of action" the Universe is dead continuum.
The molar-mass (k) particles can take part in these two phenomenons:
E=kT (logW) and  E= (kb)*f.  And therefore the molar-mass (k)
particles are primary elements from the First Instant  (T=0K)  of the
Universe’s creation.  Not " the famous Higgs Boson" (with the  low
energy and  prestige Prize) but the  old and modest   well-known
  molar-mass  k-particles  are real  "God particles"
k-particles have two forms of modifications: as a heat E=kT (logW)
and as an energy  E=(kb)*f . The interaction between energy and heat
created everything in the Universe but . . . .  but  until today nobody
explained the interaction between  E= (kb)*f  and   E=kT (logW).
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
2018-07-31 02:08:46 UTC
Post by 4***@gmail.com
   God particles, without Nobel Prize.  / by  Socratus /
To discover so-called  God - particle ( Nobel Prize in 2013)
This is a scientific newsgroup, so we call the particle by its proper name,
not its media-buzz name: It is the standard-model Higgs boson. (Keep in
mind that the term “God particle” was coined by a journalist, not a
scientist. A deity does not feature in the natural sciences, that is why we
have them in the first place.)

And it was the Nobel Prize *in Physics* 2013. It was NOT awarded for the
discovery of the particle, but for the theories that had predicted it 60
years earlier. (Therefore, CERN did not get a share of the prize money,
only the media attention; not least because, by Nobel’s testament, the Nobel
Prize is never awarded to institutions, only at most three individuals, and
there are thousands of scientists who’s work enabled the discovery.)


The Belgian physicist Robert Brout who worked with François Englert
independently on the same theory as Peter Higgs and others (now known as the
Brout–Englert–Higgs [BEH] mechanism), would have received a third of the
prize money, but he had died in 2011. So it was only shared in equal parts
between Englert and Higgs.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
was needed  two conditions : deep vacuum and high energy.
Yes, in a sense. The discovered standard-model Higgs boson has a mass of
ca. 125 GeV∕c², so you need at least a collision energy of 125 GeV to
produce *one*. In order to do that, you need high kinetic energies of the
progenitor particles to collide with each other, in this case protons.

For example, for two protons to collide and be able to produce one standard
model Higgs boson, they have to have a relative speed before the collision
of at least

E = 2 γ m_p c² = m_H⁰ c²
1∕√(1 − v²) = m_H⁰∕(2 m_p)
v = c √(1 − (4 m_p²)∕(m_H⁰)²) ≈ 0.999887 c

each, where

E – collision/total energy
γ – Lorentz factor (with c = 1)
m_p – proton mass
c – speed of light in vacuum
m_H⁰ – mass of standard model Higgs boson
v – relative proton speed. ∎

The collision energies are thousands of times the energy required for one
Higgs boson (7 TeV then, 14 TeV now) because not every proton–proton
collision produces a Higgs boson. (Fortunately not, I should say, because
if proton–proton collision would not produce unstable helium-2, which decays
to deuterium, most of the time, stellar nuclear fusion would not have
happened and we would not be here.) In fact, it is the gluons of the
protons that have to collide: g + g → {t, b} → H⁰.

g ..
'':. t, b
: `.
: .'----- H⁰
g ..''


In order to do that, you need to produce conditions in the accelerator tubes
that support those high relative proton packet speeds, i.e. there should not
be a lot of particles in-between for them to interact with. (Calculation of
the current proton packet speed using the equation above is left as an
exercise to the reader.)
Post by 4***@gmail.com
But if the vacuum were deeper and energy were higher then
it would be possible to discover some kind of a new God – particles.
As for “deeper vacuum”, that is nonsense; there are limits as to the quality
of the vacuum that can be produced in the laboratory. “Higher (collision)
energy” is correct, and that is what they are working to achieve all the
time. A new possibility for higher collision energies are to collide lead
(Pb) ions instead of just protons; this can produce collision energies up
to 1150 TeV.

Post by 4***@gmail.com
Question: what is the deepest vacuum in the Universe?
Nobody knows.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
the deepest  vacuum in the Universe is the cosmic zero vacuum T=0K.
This is only true insofar as where there is no particle, the concept of
temperature becomes meaningless.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
Question: what can be the highest energy?
Very simple: Combine all the contents of the universe in one infinitesimally
small point, i.e. the energy of the Big Bang.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
the cosmic  zero vacuum T=0K continuum is  itself  some kind
of  infinite energy continuum.
Not even wrong.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
Using these parameters, I say that the cosmic zero vacuum T=0K
can create  primary God – particles and their names are
"potential molar –masses (k) particles."
From nonsense, anything follows.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
Why potential molar – masses (k) particles are primary God particles?
That is only your fantasy. Calculate what 125 GeV∕c² is, calculate what
molar masses are, and calculate the orders of magnitude in which they
differ. IOW, shut up and calculate.

[There is or was this poster in the CERN Main Control Room with a meme
that says “Say ‘God Particle’ one more goddamn time” with the image of
Samuel L. Jackson as Jules Winnfield from “Pulp Fiction” pointing a gun
at you:


It should tell you something.]

Twitter: @PointedEars2
Please do not cc me. / Bitte keine Kopien per E-Mail.
2019-06-26 23:33:15 UTC
Post by 4***@gmail.com
   God particles, without Nobel Prize.  / by  Socratus /
To discover so-called  God - particle ( Nobel Prize in 2013)
was needed  two conditions : deep vacuum and high energy.
But if the vacuum were deeper and energy were higher then
it would be possible to discover some kind of a new God – particles.
Question: what is the deepest vacuum in the Universe?
the deepest  vacuum in the Universe is the cosmic zero vacuum T=0K.
Question: what can be the highest energy?
the cosmic  zero vacuum T=0K continuum is  itself  some kind
of  infinite energy continuum.
Using these parameters, I say that the cosmic zero vacuum T=0K
can create  primary God – particles and their names are
"potential molar –masses (k) particles."
Why potential molar – masses (k) particles are primary God particles?
Heat is result of some kind of chaotic movements of particles.
In thermodynamics the heat is explained by the formula: E=kT (logW)
It means that chaotic movements of molar-mass (k) particles create heat.
In 1905 Einstein wrote "quantum of action" as:  h=kb
It means that  molar-mass (k) particles  know some kind of  another
movement which can create  "quantum of action" with  energy E=(kb)*f.
  My conclusion.
Without heat the Universe is an Absolute  Cold  Kingdom.
Without "quantum of action" the Universe is dead continuum.
E=kT (logW) and  E= (kb)*f.  And therefore the molar-mass (k)
particles are primary elements from the First Instant  (T=0K)  of the
Universe’s creation.  Not " the famous Higgs Boson" (with the  low
energy and  prestige Prize) but the  old and modest   well-known
  molar-mass  k-particles  are real  "God particles"
k-particles have two forms of modifications: as a heat E=kT (logW)
and as an energy  E=(kb)*f . The interaction between energy and heat
created everything in the Universe but . . . .  but  until today nobody
explained the interaction between  E= (kb)*f  and   E=kT (logW).
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.

particles are ''born'' with mass
if so
no need that something will ''give them'' mass
