  Cosmology: two ideas
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2019-04-10 07:35:34 UTC
  Cosmology: two ideas

The  ''big bang'' idea explains how hot singularity
created billions hot stars when the rest of the universe
is extremely cold
Big bang says nothing about where did ordinary matter
come from (it says: chickens come from eggs and eggs
come  from chickens:  singularity <---------> big bang )

This idea contradict ''dark matter - antimatter'' idea
To save gravity as universal  law for galaxies the dark matter
was invented
Dark matter is extremely cold stuff
Dark matter is passive / neutral stuff (doesn't have electric charge)
This cold stuff is much more in universe than normal matter
Dark matter is seed of normal matter and of formation of stars.
To create gravity (stars) needs not only matter but also energy.
Quantum antiparticles ( antimatter) are cold stuff that carry itself
enormous pure energy (according to Dirac: -E=Mc^2)
Each antiparticle 10^36 times stronger than dark matter particle
(graviton) and therefore each antiparticle can manipulate with
huge stuff of dark matter
Antiparticles (through so called ''quantum fluctuations'' ) involve
dark matter in process which was ended by creation of all visual
stars, galaxies  . . . etc
/ my opinion /
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
2019-04-27 14:14:45 UTC
Post by 4***@gmail.com
The  ''big bang'' idea explains how hot singularity
created billions hot stars when the rest of the universe
is extremely cold
Big bang says nothing about where did ordinary matter
come from
But it does: baryonic matter can form because the temperature of an
*expanding* universe grows *smaller*.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
(it says: chickens come from eggs and eggs
come  from chickens:  singularity <---------> big bang )
No, it does not. The Big Bang theory does not require an initial singularity.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
This idea contradict ''dark matter - antimatter'' idea
No, it does not contradict dark matter or antimatter.

And dark matter is not the same as antimatter.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
To save gravity as universal  law for galaxies the dark matter
was invented
Not only because of that.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
Dark matter is extremely cold stuff
There is strong indication that the dark matter in the current standard
model of cosmology is cold. Therefore the model is called ΛCDM model, where
“Λ” stands for the cosmological constant used in the model (now equated with
dark energy) and “CDM” stands for cold dark matter.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
Dark matter is passive / neutral stuff (doesn't have electric charge)
No, the quality of electric charge cannot be ascribed to dark matter in the
first place because apparently it does not interact electromagnetically and
we still do not know what it is (only what it does and does not do).
Post by 4***@gmail.com
This cold stuff is much more in universe than normal matter
Correct, according to the standard model whose correctness you previously
denied. That is, you are contradicting yourself.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
Dark matter is seed of normal matter and of formation of stars.
No, but we assume that stars formed where there was more dark matter than
elsewhere. The (relatively) tight accumulation of stars then led to the
formation of small galaxies, which led to the formation of larger galaxies.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
To create gravity (stars) needs not only matter but also energy.
On the contrary: an interstellar molecular cloud is cooling by emitting
radiation so that it can collapse to protostars. A protostar initially
converts potential energy to kinetic energy until it is in hydrostatic and
thermal equilibrium (outward gas and radiation pressure equals the
gravitational pressure). Afterwards nuclear fusion begins in the center of
the protostar, which is when we start talking about this object as a star.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
Quantum antiparticles ( antimatter) are cold stuff that carry itself
Word salad.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
enormous pure energy (according to Dirac: -E=Mc^2)
Antimatter does not have negative energy. That latter is something else.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
Each antiparticle 10^36 times stronger than dark matter particle
Since we do not know what dark matter consists of, this claim is pure fiction.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
The (hypothetical) graviton cannot be a dark matter particle.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
and therefore […]
Ex falso quodlibet.
Post by 4***@gmail.com
/ my opinion /
unfounded, uneducated

Shut up and study.

Twitter: @PointedEars2
Please do not cc me. / Bitte keine Kopien per E-Mail.
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
2019-06-08 23:43:38 UTC
Post by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Post by 4***@gmail.com
To create gravity (stars) needs not only matter but also energy.
On the contrary: an interstellar molecular cloud is cooling by emitting
radiation so that it can collapse to protostars. A protostar initially
converts potential energy to kinetic energy until it is in hydrostatic and
thermal equilibrium
Not thermal equilibrium, too; that would mean the same temperature
everywhere, which is not the case.
Post by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
(outward gas and radiation pressure equals the gravitational pressure).
Afterwards nuclear fusion begins in the center of the protostar, which is
when we start talking about this object as a star.
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