RD OMeara
2018-06-28 20:13:03 UTC
Where does Energy Go? Laws dictate it must become Mass of some sort!
But what kind of Mass such that at our macro scale it seems to disappear; Heat is still another form of energy.
In the paper "The Structure of Space as Volume" at
www.mister-computer.net/graverse/sovol.htm, a new form of Mass is shown.
This new Mass form is based on angular momenta quanta of 67 KeV that pair up to become a North/South STATIC monopole pair of 134
These pairs then combine to form Composite Monopole structures that are a basis for an Aether of "Empty Space" of 3.83e25
Joules/cm^3; a static form of Mass.
A detailed view of this can be found in www.mister-computer.net/Graverse/Neutino-theory.htm
Other insights explain what Inertia and Charge in terms of the Standard Model.
More at www.mister-computer.net
But what kind of Mass such that at our macro scale it seems to disappear; Heat is still another form of energy.
In the paper "The Structure of Space as Volume" at
www.mister-computer.net/graverse/sovol.htm, a new form of Mass is shown.
This new Mass form is based on angular momenta quanta of 67 KeV that pair up to become a North/South STATIC monopole pair of 134
These pairs then combine to form Composite Monopole structures that are a basis for an Aether of "Empty Space" of 3.83e25
Joules/cm^3; a static form of Mass.
A detailed view of this can be found in www.mister-computer.net/Graverse/Neutino-theory.htm
Other insights explain what Inertia and Charge in terms of the Standard Model.
More at www.mister-computer.net