Post by chemguyA vector of “incremental distance” (in 4D) has a change of direction with no change of magnitude.
A component of incremental distance may be associated with a component of acceleration.
This is the “Schwarzschild vector”.
Simple transformation should give the Schwarzschild metric.
Reference; 31 The Schwarzschild Vector
Here is an experiment to bring up an isotope field coherence around a copper pipe. All that is used is a spatial distance tuned into, by using a stainless steel caliper. Do this experiemnt, and then decide if vibration fields exist in the space fabric.
A copper pipe or tube, length from 6 inch to about 1 foot can be used to demonstrate this effect.
The power of this field will depend on the mass of the copper pipe.
A coherent Isotope field will be raised up from the copper pipe, and can be felt around it.
Two stainless steel calipers are used to inject the field on the pipe, and then to flip the field over.
The calipers must be accurate to .01 mm.
Once injected the field will self sustain, and must be taken down using a different caliper setting of 1/9x.
This experiment can also be done using a special type of coil system at very low power levels.
Here is the experiment:
Experimental Proof of Isotope Resonance
In order to show the calculations are sound, I am sharing a post from the V2EM site.
SSF = Self Sustaining Field, these fields can be palmed using a finger or hand around the active metal tubes or pipes.
Setting up a conical field on copper pipes and tubes.
Caliper => 92.71 mm
Hold the pipe or tube with it's center of mass in the caliper gap at 90 deg, SSF comes up with wide ends of the field on the ends of the pipe [ Dual Cones ].
Caliper 2 => 92.71 mm
Touch both calipers to both ends of the pipe simultaneously, field flips [ Football Shape ]. Wide field at center of tube two compression nodes on each end.
Caliper => 10.30 mm
Touch on the compression nodes on the tube to take the field down.
Clear out residuals using a magnet, if there are any present.
This is but one fractal dimension that is possible, taken directly from the spreadsheets below.
Electric Field injection Electron shell vibration
Caliper => 49.43 mm
Touch the pipe anywhere. The field will be uniform everywhere on the copper medium, and feel electric.
Caliper => 5.49 mm
Touch the tube anywhere, the field should come down
Clear any residuals with a magnet
If any want I can provide the method of calculations to produce this effect in various materials.
Dave L
2019 - 7 - 6