Dark matter and Dark energy are basis for Quantum Gravity.
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2020-01-19 08:51:08 UTC
Dark matter and Dark energy are basis for Quantum Gravity.
1 - Dark matter - the only one that we know for sure applies to
dark matter is - it has gravity-mass (not EM mass).
Dark matter is made of particles of ''Ideal Gas'' k-molar particles.
(lets say - gravitons)
k-molar particles are passive, neutral stuff. (very weak)
The sum of k-molar particles is written by formula S=kT and because
to find this sum in the universe is hard the complete formula is: S=kTlogW

2 - Dark energy - we don't really know what it is.
Dark energy is consists of Dirac's ''negative-virtual'' particles -E=Mc^2
that can somehow suddenly become real - detectable and their
existence were proved in Casimir effect, Lamb shift, vacuum fluctuations.
It means, somehow -E=Mc^2 changed into E=h*f.
/ like a caterpillar changes into butterfly /

3 - Quantum Gravity is the unity between Dark matter (S=kT) and
Dark energy (E=h*f). This unity is possible because Dark energy (E=h*f)
is 10^36 times stronger than Dark matter (S=kTlogW) stuff and
therefore the process of quantum gravity (probably - logW) can take place.
2020-01-21 10:18:04 UTC
Post by 4***@gmail.com
Dark matter and Dark energy are basis for Quantum Gravity.
1 - Dark matter - the only one that we know for sure applies to
dark matter is - it has gravity-mass (not EM mass).
Dark matter is made of particles of ''Ideal Gas'' k-molar particles.
(lets say - gravitons)
k-molar particles are passive, neutral stuff. (very weak)
The sum of k-molar particles is written by formula S=kT and because
to find this sum in the universe is hard the complete formula is: S=kTlogW
2 - Dark energy - we don't really know what it is.
Dark energy is consists of Dirac's ''negative-virtual'' particles -E=Mc^2
that can somehow suddenly become real - detectable and their
existence were proved in Casimir effect, Lamb shift, vacuum fluctuations.
It means, somehow -E=Mc^2 changed into E=h*f.
/ like a caterpillar changes into butterfly /
3 - Quantum Gravity is the unity between Dark matter (S=kT) and
Dark energy (E=h*f). This unity is possible because Dark energy (E=h*f)
is 10^36 times stronger than Dark matter (S=kTlogW) stuff and
therefore the process of quantum gravity (probably - logW) can take place.
all forces
are created by mass !!


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