A contradiction of quantum mechanics
(too old to reply)
2016-07-25 08:31:06 UTC
A hydrogen atom is a system comprised of a proton and an electron
binding each other, whose quantum waves are both localized.
So, if the hydrogen atom (the barycenter of the system) moves at
a constant speed, it has specific energy and momentum whether
it is exited or not.

Therefore, a photon that is spontaneously emitted from a exited
hydrogen atom is considered to have specific energy and momentum,
which are respectively equal to the amount of change in those of
the hydrogen atom.

According to the traditional quantum theory, however, if a free
elementary particle such as a photon has specific momentum, its
quantum wave is to be spread infinitely and evenly (~exp(ikx) ).
I think it cannot be realistic.

Do you consider it realistic?

Thank you.

SEKI Hajime
2016-08-14 07:11:56 UTC
Post by SEKI
A hydrogen atom is a system comprised of a proton and an electron
binding each other, whose quantum waves are both localized.
So, if the hydrogen atom (the barycenter of the system) moves at
a constant speed, it has specific energy and momentum whether
it is exited or not.
Therefore, a photon that is spontaneously emitted from a exited
hydrogen atom is considered to have specific energy and momentum,
which are respectively equal to the amount of change in those of
the hydrogen atom.
According to the traditional quantum theory, however, if a free
elementary particle such as a photon has specific momentum, its
quantum wave is to be spread infinitely and evenly (~exp(ikx) ).
I think it cannot be realistic.
Do you consider it realistic?
Thank you.
SEKI Hajime
see the
Y Circlon mechanism ''
2016-08-28 17:17:25 UTC
According to QM, the only way for the atom to have a truely exact energy is for it to be in that state forever. Merely the fact that it was excited, or can decay, over a brief period of time requires a mix of energy states.

I confess that this is something that continues to bother me about QM. If energy is conserved exactly (not just statistically), then there must be some exact amount of energy released by the atom when it decays. We may not know what that energy is, but if we believe in conservation of energy as an exact requirement than there must be some exact energy that was transferred.

Likewise, if the wave does not fill all of space, than there is a mixture of momenta present and which momentum you get at the end is unknown to this degree.