2019-09-25 02:35:45 UTC
Achim Kempf, "Spacetime could be simultaneously continuous and discrete,
in the same way that information can be" - 2010
Kempf space-time
Kempf writes in natural signal terms continuum mechanics in
the signal continuum mechanics, with field continuity, line continuity,
and signal continuity.
He frames the discrete and continuous in clearly density terms,
here bucket filling in continuous and infinite buckets.
Cantor's theorem is in his way - he works around countable additivity,
keeping of course uncountable non-additivity, where the uncountable
is also the condition that it is relatively uncountable-summability.
(Of the countably additive.)
Then of course it is talking about sampling, the signal analysis,
where the point is that the discrete signal clearly is incomplete,
Sampling under probability, the discrete and continuous
is in the measurement the "signal", as it differs from the
impulse, or the wave (falling wave).
Time terms always speed up to presentation.
(And state.)
Sampling, observation, measurement effects,
these usually work up from measurement effects
(for example pulling up).
Sampling usually first is under effect of measurement effect.
Observation under action and sampling under recognition,
Kempf's space-time as informatic - information is under terms
in Kempf's space-time.
Yeah, information is under terms.
Kempf points to signal processing canon for signal theory -
terms under recognition and action, in a theory.
Indeed, the universe is very information-theoretic.
Filed under real theories.
Achim Kempf, "Spacetime could be simultaneously continuous and discrete,
in the same way that information can be" - 2010
Kempf space-time
Kempf writes in natural signal terms continuum mechanics in
the signal continuum mechanics, with field continuity, line continuity,
and signal continuity.
He frames the discrete and continuous in clearly density terms,
here bucket filling in continuous and infinite buckets.
Cantor's theorem is in his way - he works around countable additivity,
keeping of course uncountable non-additivity, where the uncountable
is also the condition that it is relatively uncountable-summability.
(Of the countably additive.)
Then of course it is talking about sampling, the signal analysis,
where the point is that the discrete signal clearly is incomplete,
Sampling under probability, the discrete and continuous
is in the measurement the "signal", as it differs from the
impulse, or the wave (falling wave).
Time terms always speed up to presentation.
(And state.)
Sampling, observation, measurement effects,
these usually work up from measurement effects
(for example pulling up).
Sampling usually first is under effect of measurement effect.
Observation under action and sampling under recognition,
Kempf's space-time as informatic - information is under terms
in Kempf's space-time.
Yeah, information is under terms.
Kempf points to signal processing canon for signal theory -
terms under recognition and action, in a theory.
Indeed, the universe is very information-theoretic.
Filed under real theories.