The size and structure of the early Universe / by Israel Socratus /
(too old to reply)
2020-01-07 13:16:25 UTC
The size and structure of the early Universe  / by Israel Socratus /
The Universe (as whole) is a flat, smooth, homogenous, isotropic.
After every cosmic event horizon there is other similar cosmic
 even horizon and so and so . . . to infinity.
There is fundamental fact in the Nature  that the ordinary matter
in the Universe (as whole) is very few, and its critical density is
about 9.9 x 10^-30 g/sm^3. That masses of density cannot ''close''
the Universe into sphere and therefore the Universe as whole is ''open''- flat.
The temperature of the Universe as whole is very cold, nearly zero vacuum.
In 1905 Einstein explain this zero vacuum continuum as a place without
 gravity masses.
Mathematically this vacuum continuum was called as ''an absolute spacetime'',
 meaning that space and time (both) are one and the same equal structure.
 (the real physical structure between billions of billions galaxies that is only
about  5% of all stuff in the Universe as whole)
 But in some local places of the Universe the situation is different.
In some local places (where there are masses of stars) the flat continuum
is bent (by amount of masses and energy of stars). This phenomena was
first observed in 1919 by Eddington as a prove of the right of  Einstein's GRT (1915)
Gravity is local phenomena and cannot be used as to understand  the Universe as whole.
The physics of the early Material Universe began from Quantum Gravity.
Quantum Gravity is an effect of Quantum Energy and Quantum Matter.
The minimal Quantum Particle of  Energy is the Planck's ''quantum of action'' E=h*f.
To understand Quantum Matter (Dark Matter) it is possible to use the
thermodynamics of ''Ideal Gas'' because the ''Ideal Gas'' has temperature of T=0K.
Then, the minimal Quantum Particle of  Matter is the Boltzmann's ''k-molar particle'' (graviton)
Gravity is effect of enormous amount of particles.
 Quantum Gravity is effect of enormous amount of k-molar particles
Generally, every local cosmic substance
 contains the same number of  k-molar particles -- Avogadro number:
about 10^23.  But, . . . but to find Avogadro amount of k-particles
 in some local place is hard (it is probability effect) and therefore
 the formula of Quantum Matter must be written as: E=kTlogW.
The Quantum Particle of  Energy is an active force and therefore it is 10^36 (10^41)
times stronger than passive Quantum Matter of 'k-molar particles''.
The interaction between active E=h*f and passive kTlogW is basis for Quantum Gravity.
As result of interaction between  k-molar particles and h*f energy the primary  k-molar
structure changed into the fist chemical  element  helium-II (He-4)
  /temperature  from  OK (−273.14 )  to  2.18 K (−271 °C) /
And then next level can be created -- helium-I (He-3)
/temperature from  2.18 K (−271 °C) to 4.21 K (−268.9 °C) /
A liquid mixture of the two isotopes helium-3 and helium-4 separates
at temperatures below about 0.8 K (−272.4 °C )
And then rotation of k-molar system (specific rotation) creates '' hydrogen'' . . .
and so, and so  . . . all  known chemical elements.  (as above, as below)
(The explanation of behaviour helium can be understood by  P. Kapitza ,
L. Landau  and  E .L. Andronikashvili theories )
And all these changes can be possible accomplished  thanks Superfluidity
of helium and Superconductivity of E=h*f.
In the Vacuum the Superconductivity of Energy (E=h*f)  is 10^41 times
stronger than the  Superfluidity of Matter (E=kT) and therefore the
Existence of Material World can be created.
Everything was started from micro-quantum-energy-gravity point.
  A crazy idea? . . . maybe . . .
Best wishes
Israel Sadovnik Socratus
2020-03-10 08:31:40 UTC
Post by 4***@gmail.com
The size and structure of the early Universe  / by Israel Socratus /
The Universe (as whole) is a flat, smooth, homogenous, isotropic.
After every cosmic event horizon there is other similar cosmic
 even horizon and so and so . . . to infinity.
There is fundamental fact in the Nature  that the ordinary matter
in the Universe (as whole) is very few, and its critical density is
about 9.9 x 10^-30 g/sm^3. That masses of density cannot ''close''
the Universe into sphere and therefore the Universe as whole is ''open''- flat.
The temperature of the Universe as whole is very cold, nearly zero vacuum.
In 1905 Einstein explain this zero vacuum continuum as a place without
 gravity masses.
Mathematically this vacuum continuum was called as ''an absolute spacetime'',
 meaning that space and time (both) are one and the same equal structure.
 (the real physical structure between billions of billions galaxies that is only
about  5% of all stuff in the Universe as whole)
 But in some local places of the Universe the situation is different.
In some local places (where there are masses of stars) the flat continuum
is bent (by amount of masses and energy of stars). This phenomena was
first observed in 1919 by Eddington as a prove of the right of  Einstein's GRT (1915)
Gravity is local phenomena and cannot be used as to understand  the Universe as whole.
The physics of the early Material Universe began from Quantum Gravity.
Quantum Gravity is an effect of Quantum Energy and Quantum Matter.
The minimal Quantum Particle of  Energy is the Planck's ''quantum of action'' E=h*f.
To understand Quantum Matter (Dark Matter) it is possible to use the
thermodynamics of ''Ideal Gas'' because the ''Ideal Gas'' has temperature of T=0K.
Then, the minimal Quantum Particle of  Matter is the Boltzmann's ''k-molar particle'' (graviton)
Gravity is effect of enormous amount of particles.
 Quantum Gravity is effect of enormous amount of k-molar particles
Generally, every local cosmic substance
about 10^23.  But, . . . but to find Avogadro amount of k-particles
 in some local place is hard (it is probability effect) and therefore
 the formula of Quantum Matter must be written as: E=kTlogW.
The Quantum Particle of  Energy is an active force and therefore it is 10^36 (10^41)
times stronger than passive Quantum Matter of 'k-molar particles''.
The interaction between active E=h*f and passive kTlogW is basis for Quantum Gravity.
As result of interaction between  k-molar particles and h*f energy the primary  k-molar
structure changed into the fist chemical  element  helium-II (He-4)
  /temperature  from  OK (−273.14 )  to  2.18 K (−271 °C) /
And then next level can be created -- helium-I (He-3)
/temperature from  2.18 K (−271 °C) to 4.21 K (−268.9 °C) /
A liquid mixture of the two isotopes helium-3 and helium-4 separates
at temperatures below about 0.8 K (−272.4 °C )
And then rotation of k-molar system (specific rotation) creates '' hydrogen'' . . .
and so, and so  . . . all  known chemical elements.  (as above, as below)
(The explanation of behaviour helium can be understood by  P. Kapitza ,
L. Landau  and  E .L. Andronikashvili theories )
And all these changes can be possible accomplished  thanks Superfluidity
of helium and Superconductivity of E=h*f.
In the Vacuum the Superconductivity of Energy (E=h*f)  is 10^41 times
stronger than the  Superfluidity of Matter (E=kT) and therefore the
Existence of Material World can be created.
Everything was started from micro-quantum-energy-gravity point.
  A crazy idea? . . . maybe . . .
Best wishes
Israel Sadovnik Socratus
not anything can be flat~
as we know there is some permanent curved movement
that is done by residuals of sub(smaller mass
