2017-07-24 16:32:00 UTC
Model of Electron (Quark/Lepton) by Tony Lance Dip.Math.(Open) MMXVII
By definition you cannot do this to a quark.
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Table 1 Line 1 Sumation N = 449938097129016 N = prime times 144 polygons
Table 2 Line 2912 Archimedean 80III 12V gives 288 polygon polyhedron
2912 1180074 288III 228III 12V (80III 12V) 40III 6V some stellated
Make Archimedean solid. Put 5 polygons instead of each V. Split in half. Keep
belt and buckles the same and put 3 polygons instead of the rest of III's, bar two.
By definition you cannot do this to a quark.
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Table 1 Line 1 Sumation N = 449938097129016 N = prime times 144 polygons
Table 2 Line 2912 Archimedean 80III 12V gives 288 polygon polyhedron
2912 1180074 288III 228III 12V (80III 12V) 40III 6V some stellated
Make Archimedean solid. Put 5 polygons instead of each V. Split in half. Keep
belt and buckles the same and put 3 polygons instead of the rest of III's, bar two.