Model of Electron (Quark/Lepton) by Tony Lance Dip.Math.(Open) MMXVII
(too old to reply)
2017-07-24 16:32:00 UTC
Model of Electron (Quark/Lepton) by Tony Lance Dip.Math.(Open) MMXVII
By definition you cannot do this to a quark.
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Table 1 Line 1 Sumation N = 449938097129016 N = prime times 144 polygons
Table 2 Line 2912 Archimedean 80III 12V gives 288 polygon polyhedron
2912 1180074 288III 228III 12V (80III 12V) 40III 6V some stellated
Make Archimedean solid. Put 5 polygons instead of each V. Split in half. Keep
belt and buckles the same and put 3 polygons instead of the rest of III's, bar two.
2017-07-26 15:04:40 UTC
When first I read it, it said in the book Science and the Layman that the nuclear attraction field is twice the diameter of the neutron and the nuclear repulsion field is one third the diameter. I take the later as one and one third the diameter and starting from the underside of the surface of the particle. The mass is directly proportional to the number of polka dots, not surface area. The particle structure is a subset of platonic and archimedean solids, with just 3 sided, 4 sided and 6 sided regular polygons, covered in polka dots, then throw away the polygons and the patterns on the sphere delineate it. This gives a spherical double sided hairy ping pong ball. Chop it in half for an electron like a double sided hairy umbrella.
Post by t***@bigberthathing.com
Model of Electron (Quark/Lepton) by Tony Lance Dip.Math.(Open) MMXVII
By definition you cannot do this to a quark.
2017-07-26 15:05:40 UTC
It is all theoretical so even outside the scope of the scientific method of
proof/disprove. This is Pure mathematics where I wrote the rules and
applied them to the problem to see if I could get the table I wanted this
way by hook or by crook. It worked and cannot be done using strict CERN
experimental results. I was pleased when two large tables collided and gave
the model of the Electron.
Post by t***@bigberthathing.com
When first I read it, it said in the book Science and the Layman that the
2017-07-27 17:37:25 UTC
It is a 50 year scientific project.
This is year 51.
You may had heard of the Periodic Table of Elements, like Hydrogen, Helium and Carbon.
I am trying to find a Periodic Table of Particles, like protons,
neutrons and electrons, which are the three that make up the atom.
CERN has an experimental list of 1000 particles to slide rule
accuracy, but no order or classification. They default to the
Monte Carlo system, which is random and anything but a system.

I found out how to put 50 into a table, but needed far, far better
than slide rule accuracy. That makes it pure mathematics. Taking
experimental results to extremes to see where it leads. Three famous
pure mathematicians used to meet in Birmingham.
Their toast was "May it never be any use to anyone."

So far I have expanded the 1000 CERN particle list to 4741 derived
particles. I also used a plastic geometry model making kit to work
out 1718 structures like a pyramid and a cube. My programs only
include 10 structures at the moment and has a glass ceiling.

Next update gets rid of the glass ceiling and second update includes
39 more structures, third includes 700 structures and fourth 1718 structures.
My last job was as senior programmer.(1990)
It is not as bad as it looks as there are only 14 equations needed
and only the two for the 1000 last structures are left outstanding.

Post by t***@bigberthathing.com
It is all theoretical so even outside the scope of the scientific method of
Tony Lance
2017-07-28 15:07:28 UTC
The Outlandish Particle Periodic Table (Particle Key)
4740 experimental, derived, modified and paired particle dataset
Key to Particle Numbers and Modifications (see link)
Ten Caveats:-
1. Three equations out of nineteen.
2. Ten structures out of 2718.
3. Quad precision instead of slide rule.
4. Error Margin 4 MeV set to .00000035 MeV.
5. Base number 450 US trillion instead of 1450 US trillion.
6. Half CERN results modified.
7. Every particle has a pair like Neutron less than Proton pair.
8. This is Pure Mathematics on slide-rule results.
9. Applied Mathematics Particle classification system already.
10.Might need arbitrary precision instead of quad precision.

NB somebody wants citation of CERN experimental results.
Post by t***@bigberthathing.com
It is a 50 year scientific project.
This is year 51.
Marion McCoskey
2017-07-28 18:05:07 UTC
Post by t***@bigberthathing.com
Model of Electron (Quark/Lepton) by Tony Lance Dip.Math.(Open) MMXVII
By definition you cannot do this to a quark.
Table 1 Line 1 Sumation N = 449938097129016 N = prime times 144 polygons
Table 2 Line 2912 Archimedean 80III 12V gives 288 polygon polyhedron
2912 1180074 288III 228III 12V (80III 12V) 40III 6V some stellated
Make Archimedean solid. Put 5 polygons instead of each V. Split in half. Keep
belt and buckles the same and put 3 polygons instead of the rest of III's, bar two.
Hi Tony,

You might be interested in this:


Tony Lance
2017-07-29 22:03:10 UTC
Big Table using pure mathematics. (see link below)
This cannot be done using only CERN experimental results.
It relies on the classical conjecture that a neutron plus
a positron is equal to a proton. All neutral particles have
been reduced by .2% All particles with no known charge have
been taken as both. The positive charge has same mass and the
neutral charge has the reduction. Neither generates a pair,
but can only do so with a separate particle. These rules
generate the smallpairs table. The error margin is nominal
in place of the slide rule accuracy of the CERN results.
The above indicates that all particles have a pair.
The above rules and giving all particles a pair derives 4741
particles from the 1000 experimental results of CERN.

The software has been updated to version 5 and has no glass
ceiling. It is ready to run using only the input files
particle.dat and particle.txt Output file electron.lst for option 1
and particle.lst for option 2 need to be renamed or deleted prior
to each run. The first four answers to option 1 are 3, 4000, 2 and 9.
Option 3 has 5 answers;- minus goes back one, plus goes forward 20,
even goes back to first, quit exits this particle and more looks at
next page of this particle. For type 88 reduce the error margin and
for type 99 increase the error margin. The range is affected by
adjustments to the first error margin in the two dat and txt files and
subsequent error margins within them.

3.5d-06 down to 1.0d-06 down to 7.0d-07 down to 3.5d-07
OUTfull 4000 v5 449938097129016

NB Citation for CERN Monte Carlo particle numbering system, one of three,
the other two are for analysis. I drew a picture.
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Post by t***@bigberthathing.com
Model of Electron (Quark/Lepton) by Tony Lance Dip.Math.(Open) MMXVII
By definition you cannot do this to a quark.