Does The Singularity Exist?
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israel socratus
2021-06-19 04:52:36 UTC
Does The Singularity Exist?

Singularity is a point in spacetime where incredible amount of matter is compressed into a tiny space of zero size and infinite density.
But, the question is, ” Does it exist?”

Singularity is not a physical object, it is a mathematical entity. It arises when the denominator is zero. We all know we cannot divide by zero, so that’s a problem and mathematicians call that value singularity. If a singularity popes up in an equation, it means that the equation has been to make predictions in areas where it doesn’t cover like using Newton’s Gravitational Equation to describe a black hole.

General Relativity fails at the quantum scale and needs to be replaced by Quantum Theory of Gravity which we don’t have.

israel socratus
2021-06-20 08:35:14 UTC
Other opinions:
“Singularities also occur in nature as limits when something is based on a mathematical model
that tends to infinity, but in real life it just gets very large, like two point particle planets falling
toward each other that mathematically spiral infinitely fast, but in real life would have
finite radii and their velocity would be a finite large number before they collide.”
/ Jack Stoppenbach /
“Mathematically there are lots of singularities like Ring singularity, isolated singularity etc.,.
These are wonderful concepts. The moment a particular border is crossed, it tends to infinity.
1/0 is infinity. It means even if you add infinite amount of space it will not be equal matter.
or even if a matter is divided infinitely, it will not end in zero. The empty space in which the universal
matter exists is a big singularity whose curvature we cannot see.”
“Particle physics has something similar to singularities that are dealt with through renormalisation,
so that the bare electron charge may be infinite, but the charge we see is the result of screening
by the quantum vacuum acting as a dielectric.

The singularity in a black hole arises when you make the assumption that matter behaves
as a classical fluid acting under gravity alone. This is as implausible as making the same assumption
about the Earth and concluding it should have collapsed. There are mechanisms that may inhibit
the formation of a singularity, such as the Exclusion Principle. This could lead to a scenario in which
the black hole acts as a super-accelerator that produces a quark-gluon plasma, with a singularity being
averted when the Exclusion Principle leads to a "big bounce", somewhat akin to supernova that
leaves behind a quark star instead of a neutron star. The Uncertainty Principle alone would mean
that in order to achieve a singularity, you would need to allow particles with infinite energy.

What all of this means is that quantum mechanics may prevent the singularity and
without its incorporation into GR we are going to get silly results.”
/ Russell Childs /
All known electromagnetic radiation from DC to highest frequencies has its origin on the surface of an object.
So the singularity does not exist in reality, it is a result of idealization (point-like mass with infinitive charge density).
/ Gerd Termathe /
"The idea of anything real that's zero dimensional is incoherent, and there's not going
to be anything with infinite density, either.
There are a lot of bad ontological claims made by physicists based on reifying mathematics.
Could there be something unusually dense and small, though? Sure."
/ Terrapin Station /
