is sad
2020-11-01 13:25:47 UTC
Dark Energy
''The value of dark energy can be pinpointed by calculating the vacuum energy,
i.e. the energy density of empty space, were it not for the staggering
disagreement bet ween observations and projections from quantum
field theory: the value is off by 120 orders of magnitude, i.e. 10¹²⁰.''
Why is reason of such big difference between ''empty space'' and ''quantum effect'' ? The value of such difference is equal ''vacuum quantum fluctuations''
Dark Matter
Many researchers search in sundry ways for indirect evidence of quantum gravitational effects.
''The trouble is that quantum gravitational effects occur at the Planck scale,
a trillionth of a trillionth of the diameter of a hydrogen atom.
Our earthly observational instrumentation is currently not equipped
to inquire at such small scale, because the equivalent required energies
far exceed the maximum limits of the present-day generation of particle detectors.''
maybe ''gravitons'' is better to search in the Cosmic Vacuum than ''nearly a mile below ground'' . . .
maybe Dark Matter ( in the Cosmic Vacuum ) consist of ''gravitons'' . . .
maybe the Cosmic Vacuum (itself) contains all ''gravitons'' secrets
''The value of dark energy can be pinpointed by calculating the vacuum energy,
i.e. the energy density of empty space, were it not for the staggering
disagreement bet ween observations and projections from quantum
field theory: the value is off by 120 orders of magnitude, i.e. 10¹²⁰.''
Why is reason of such big difference between ''empty space'' and ''quantum effect'' ? The value of such difference is equal ''vacuum quantum fluctuations''
Dark Matter
Many researchers search in sundry ways for indirect evidence of quantum gravitational effects.
''The trouble is that quantum gravitational effects occur at the Planck scale,
a trillionth of a trillionth of the diameter of a hydrogen atom.
Our earthly observational instrumentation is currently not equipped
to inquire at such small scale, because the equivalent required energies
far exceed the maximum limits of the present-day generation of particle detectors.''
maybe ''gravitons'' is better to search in the Cosmic Vacuum than ''nearly a mile below ground'' . . .
maybe Dark Matter ( in the Cosmic Vacuum ) consist of ''gravitons'' . . .
maybe the Cosmic Vacuum (itself) contains all ''gravitons'' secrets